Synoptic Project : Marketing Material

A key part of selling any movie, game or animation is marketing. This can be anything from mugs, badges, key-ring’s and much more. So as my role as team lead and to also prepare us for the final show, one task that I set for everyone leading up to the final show, was to produce a poster for the short film. Personally I created 3 posters. So now I’m going to go over each one and my design choices for each poster.

First up we have the simplest poster of all the posters I’ve created. The poster simply says ‘Remember : A Visuals Short’.RememberPoster3.pngThis poster was done last since it was the easiest to do. I would personally class this as a teaser poster due to it just being the title of the short film. This leaves the audience to wonder what the film could be about and what kind of tone the film has to it, leaving them to guess away at the title alone.

Next we have the first poster I created.RememberPoster1.pngThis, out of all the posters, was the one I spent the most time on. This is the what I would class as the ‘main movie poster’ which tells you everything you need to know on it. On the poster it tells you the cast of the film, the title of the film itself and even the film credits such as VFX Artists and etc. However the main focus for this poster was to show off the main character and how he looks once transformed into the murderous, villainous psychopath. Also I thought that darkening certain parts of the face and changing the colour scheme to black and white really helped the eye stand out and help draw the audiences attention to the poster even more.

Last but not least we have the second poster I created; this one I decided to go with a minimalist sort of style, only using certain colours and outlines to define different parts of the character.After the last poster, I wanted to change the style up a bit.RememberPoster2Instead of having the poster more detailed, I wanted to make the poster less detailed and more stylised. So I thought to myself, why not go for a minimalist/ simplistic sort of style instead. Surprisingly the style worked quite well and looked really nice as a result. The characters silhouette in front of a white grunge background alongside the ‘Remember : A Visuals Short’ text with a dark grunge texture on it, really made the poster stand out in my opinion.

Overall I’m really satisfied with my marketing work and how well the posters turned out, despite the differing styles I went for with each one.

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