Synoptic Project: Concept Piece

Due to the absence of our creative lead, I have had to step in and have quite a lot of creative input throughout the project. Whether it be critiquing my colleagues’ work or coming up with new ideas, I do believe I have been of some help. However just before we started creating effects for the short film, we came to a halt. This was due to us not knowing what we wanted the mirror scene in our short to look like as we already had a brief idea of what we wanted every other scene with effects to look like. For those of you unaware of what I’m talking about, the scene is basically the main character seeing a dark reflection of himself in the mirror (this dark reflection being the psychopath).Eye transformation v2So with this in mind I created an entire concept piece from scratch in Photoshop, trying to illustrate how I thought the scene should look. The piece took me roughly 5-6 hours to really get right. It may not be the best piece produced for the project but its noticeably one of my best pieces that I’ve produced all year. Here’s part of a time-lapse of me drawing the piece and below that the final piece itself…

Finished Remember Concept PieceOverall I’m very happy with how this piece turned out and I think that it’s definitely improved my digital art skills.

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