Improvements in 3DS Max

This week I was very proud of the work that I did in 3DS Max (as I’m pretty much new to the whole software and how it works). Anyway this week (for our 3D modelling project with Matty), I had created 5 different models, 3 of the 5 models I had created were different variations of wires in different states, exposed wiring and etc. (wire models shown below). 
 I had also 3D modelled a college lanyard that the students at the college wear to verify there identity on entering the college. I had also produced a 3D model of a Mop to be placed in the cleaning store rooms where all the cleaning things are kept (models and comparison to the lanyard shown below).

 To begin with I was very bad at using 3DS Max, however I have vastly improved on my modelling skills as through Matty’s useful online tutorials and other tutorials I have learnt to use the loft tool, make a wall segment and etc. But I am really proud of my Progress in 3DS Max so far as I have greatly improved throughout my time using the software. You may have noticed that the models aren’t yet textured because i havent quite got the hang of that yet but I will get the hang of it eventually.

Democracy and Great British Values

Your probably wondering why am I talking about democracy and values in this post, mainly because it plays a huge part in the games industry. We knew this due to Matty’s lecture on British values and democracy and how they link to games and the games industry. Matty had also told us the importance of how our British values and how they effect us personally and how they effect our possible career choices in the game industry, for example, we took a practice test of a real test that depends if characters from a game are British (in percentage), if the game is based on a real British place (in percentage), if the based on events of a British person (you get the picture), the game can pass having to pay tax, saving money when it comes to selling/developing the game (for example Assassins Creed Syndicate has passed this test due to its setting and character voicing and etc.) Democracy is also a very important topic as it determines our values as democracy is a system of government in which power is vested in the people, so whoever is in charge determines our wellbeing and how our Great British values are actually valued by the person in charge, Matty also gave us a lecture on democracy and how it effects us as a person and also others. Therefore these are very important topics to touch upon even when doing a course as we are at the moment.

Wall Segment & Flash Game

This week we did more work on our 3D modelling and Coding work. In coding we were finishing off our flash game we were creating due to Ant losing his mojo! ( I may or may not have mentioned this in a previous blog post but its basically a 50/50 chance type game based on the aspects of life and death). Our game is pretty much finished all it needs is finishing touches and it will be done but, i think that what we have at the minute has turned out well. In 3D modelling we had learnt how to make a wall segment and a corner wall segment (thanks to the tutorials put up by Matty). The image below shows my work done on my wall segment. I found the wall segment work fairly easy but the corner wall segment more difficult, I think I need more practice on my 3Ds Max work just to get a better understanding of the shortcuts and tools better (as I am more used to sketching my ideas on paper, as I have mentioned before). Â