More 3D modelling work and EGX Euro Gamer

Lots more happened on our 3D modelling this week. We had did more work on our 3D modelling project, we had done more sketches based on what we would want our 3D models to ideally look like and we came out with great results. We also came up with colour palettes texture ideas and etc. Overall I thought that what we had produced in the previous lessons were extremely good. On the Friday of this week we went to the NEC Birmingham for the EGX Euro Gamer event which was amazing as I had been to a games development session and played some games before they were released which gave me a better insight on what the games industry and my course was all about.

Environment 3Ds Max- Mood Board

In our previous lesson, in 3D modelling, our Next-Gen group had to come up with ideas for a project that we’d be working on for the remainder of the year. We all came to a decision on our project and the final decision was that we would do a model of the college campus mainly the performing and visual arts centre that we work at seen as it is recently new and to have a 3D model of the campus run down would be, in my opinion , an amazing project.

 As you can see, I have created a mood board of art styles sketches and pictures of abandoned places (and I have included a picture of a new college just so in my mind I could picture what the college would look like run down). I have included images which have a realistic art quality as, to be fair I think if the college model did have a realistic quality to it I think, it would give the model a better effect.

Coding/Programming and 3D Modelling

In today’s lessons we learnt the basics of 3D Studio Max and the basics of Coding languages. This morning when we were learning the basics of 3D Studio Max, our main task (after learning simple shortcuts of course), was to create a simple flat-Screen TV on a stand and along side it a cabinet. In my own opinion I thought at first, the program was really difficult due to me not using it before. However slowly but steadily, I had managed to grow more confident with the software (even though I’m still a bit rusty) and I found that the more I tried the more I got used to the software.Coding this afternoon however, I found less difficult than I expected! During this lesson, we used the program Adobe Flash Pro, which games such as Binding of Isaac, super meat boy and many other games started off. Anyway, after testing out the software and so on, I got used to the fact of the coding language was pretty simple and it just looked complex, I knew that the coding was only basic but I know that if I keep practicing the coding I can be able to get the hang of the programming language.

Final Stages 

Yesterday we came to the final stages of our finishing off the playable demo of “8 Bit Adrian”. After we had made the finishing touches to our game demo, we then pitched our game to Matty, Mike and Ant. We mentioned team roles, game storyline, character designs, enemy designs and so on. As a example for character design, we mentioned how the enemy characters and how they related to the rooms in the house and also how the power-ups changed the characters appearance as shown below. 
As you can see, the sword alters Adrian’s natural appearance and gives him a new alternative appearance due to him picking up the sword power-up.

Anyway after we had pitched the idea and playable demo to Matty, Mike and Ant we had received feedback on what we did well and what we needed to improve on and quite frankly, we need to improve on quite a lot! At the minute (as a side project due to our course being more important), we are working on getting the playable demo turned into a better looking game overall and the group and I, are also improving on our pitching skills in case we may need pitch the better version of the game anytime soon.

One Step Closer

Today me and my colleagues started to actually produce the game idea that I previously mentioned in my last post, and I must say so far it is looking unbelievably good!

   As I probably said before hand we all had different roles to complete and different jobs to do. My job in particular was to to do the concept art and level backdrop/design. Above are some of the examples I had sketched out today, the first being the main character of the game and the second being one of the enemies you will come across frequently throughout the game. I’m really looking forward to trying out the final playable demo by the end of the week and I’m sure that my colleagues are also!

Pitching my Game Idea

As apart of our NEXT-GEN games design and VFX course, our whole class had to come up with an idea for a game that we could be made into a playable demo by the end of the week. We had to work on these ideas so that they were ready to pitch. My idea went along the lines of a boy getting his games console taken off him, anyway we pitched our ideas in small groups and in these small groups we created a team to create a final playable demo of the game we had chosen to make and we all gave each other specific roles so that all aspects of the game construction process could be covered. I can’t wait to get started!!